1. Diseases of the heart and chest, including breast 2011-201
المؤلف: / presented by the Foundation of the Advancement of Education in Medical Radiology, Zurich
المکتبة: كتابخانه مركزي و مركز اسناد دانشگاه شهيد چمران (خوزستان)
موضوع: Chest--Diseases--Diagnosis--Congresses,Heart--Diseases--Diagnosis--Congresses,Breast--Diseases--Diagnosis--Congresses
رده :

2. Diseases of the heart and chest, including breast 2011-2014 : diagnostic imaging and interventional techniques : 43rd International Diagnostic Course in Davos )IDKD(, Davos, April 3-8, 2011
المؤلف: presented by the Foundation of the Advancement of Education in Medical Radiology, Zurich ; J. Hodler, G.K. von Schulthess, Ch. L. Zollikofer )eds.(
المکتبة: کتابخانه مرکز پژوهش متالورژی رازی (طهران)
موضوع: Congresses ، Chest Diseases Diagnosis,Congresses ، Heart Diseases Diagnosis,Congresses ، Breast Diseases Diagnosis,Congresses ، Heart Diseases diagnosis,Congresses ، Breast Diseases diagnosis
رده :

3. Diseases of the heart and chest, including breast 2011-2014[electronic resources :
المؤلف: presented by the Foundation of the Advancement of Education in Medical Radiology, Zurich ; J. Hodler, G.K. von Schulthess, Ch. L. Zollikofer (eds.).
المکتبة: المكتبة المركزية لجامعة الطب في أصفهان (أصبهان)
موضوع: Heart Diseases-- diagnosis,Thoracic Diseases-- diagnosis,Breast Diseases-- diagnosis,Diagnostic Imaging-- methods